Sunday, September 16, 2012


hi, my name is spiffy. this is my blogger.

now that the obvious is out of the way i'm sure you're wondering what in the world this blog will be about. to be honest i have no idea myself. it'll more than likely be a compilation of all my interests. in short: a lot of seemingly unrelated mind spewing.

since this isn't a microblogging platform like tumblr i'll probably be making lengthy posts in which i think out loud, teach myself, post short stories or essays, journal, and share anything i find interesting. it's also a practice mechanism for improving my language skills.

warning: if i post anything formal or writing related i may switch between all lowercase and sentence case so don't freak if you start seeing capital letters.

if you choose to keep up with my personal blog then thank you for every moment spent here. if not that's cool too. it's a huge place, the internet. you'll probably see lots of content cross-posting if you follow me on other websites.

if you have any feedback, comments, questions, advice, etc. please contact me via askbox. i'd be happy to recieve anything you have to offer. thanks for reading and may God bless you!

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